Thursday, September 1, 2011

The Doctor Impostor - Time to Investigate

A while ago, I posted a note about my suspicions that the Dr. Pepper fountain soda sold at the Harvard Coop may not in fact be the real thing. It has taken me several months, I realize, to take action on this matter, as I promised, but I finally got around to inquiring about this yesterday.

Here is a copy of the Smiley I sent to Harvard Coop. I will update this post with the store's reply, if or when I get one.

1 comment:

  1. My big bro who lives in Moscow was road tripping somewhere in the Russian boonies and he bought a bottle of pepsi. He took a sip and something just wasn't right. He looked at it carefully and discovered, to his horror, that the label was counterfeit. He tried to report the store that sold him the fake pepsi to the Russian authorities but was chased out of the town by the local maufia. If only you were there Gunter.
